Courses and programs
Education of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as medical students, residents, and fellows constitutes an integral part of both the research and clinical care components that embody global health efforts at Brown.
BRIGHT Pathway
The Brown Residency International/Global Health Training Pathway (BRIGHT) began as an interest group in global health. Through a collaborative, integrated approach, the program enhances resident exposure to the breadth of topics in global health, develops a community of global health scholars at Brown, and fosters mentoring relationships between residents and faculty.
International Medical Exchanges
The international medical exchange program consists of providing Brown WAMS students with the opportunity to partake in an international medical rotation at one of our international collaborator's sites. Each site is hosted by a foreign medical school and treated like a student of that school to have clinical experience outside the US.
PLME International Programs
As a PLME student, there are several international exchange programs that you may become involved with, some with funding and others that you have to fund yourself. An exchange program involves medical students from our exchange school coming to take clinical electives at The Warren Alpert Medical School with "tuition waived." In exchange, PLME students may elect to have tuition waived for projects, courses or research at the exchange institution.
2024-25 Grand Rounds
The main objective of our monthly Grand Rounds lecture series is to highlight the outstanding global health work and research that our faculty members have been doing with their international partners and academic institutions globally. The GR lectures will be attended by our faculty members, students, residents, fellows and trainees.
Pre-Travel Orientation
The CGHE provides a pre-travel orientation session for students traveling abroad, including (but not limited to) Framework in Global Health Scholars, and AMS Summer Assistantship recipients. All are strongly encouraged to attend this one-day training session.