Emerging Infectious Disease and HIV Scholars Program (H-EIDS)
The Emerging Infectious Disease and HIV Scholars Program (H-EIDS) of Brown University recognizes the specialized research and educational needs that are essential to nurture future healthcare providers so they are well equipped to prevent and manage epidemics. The H-EIDS program is designed to inspire, train, support, and retain students as a community of scholars to become leaders in research and treatment of emerging infectious diseases.
Novel Mobile Health Application for Acute Diarrhea Management across the Lifespan
Diarrheal diseases remain one of the leading causes of death and disability in both children and adults worldwide. Appropriate rehydration with either oral or intravenous fluids remains the most important step for treating acute diarrhea. Yet no validated tools exist for estimating dehydration severity in patients with acute diarrhea across the lifespan.
Mobile Health Personalized Physiologic Analytics Tool for Pediatric Patients with Sepsis
Project Summary Sepsis encompasses a continuum that ranges from sepsis to severe sepsis, septic shock, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and eventually death if untreated. Sepsis is the leading cause of child mortality worldwide, with most of these deaths occurring in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) yet few clinical tools have been developed for identifying, monitoring, or managing septic children in LMICs.
NAMBARI (Moi/Brown Partnership for Biostatistics Training in HIV)
NAMBARI, the Moi-Brown Partnership for HIV Biostatistics Training, is a research training program to build biostatistics capacity for HIV research at Moi University. It focuses on training for students, faculty and technical staff in Kenya. This program is supported by the Fogarty International Center at the US National Institutes of Health (D43TW010050).
Brown University Ukraine Collaboration
The Brown University Ukraine Collaboration is a joint venture between the Brown University Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) and HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and health service providers in Ukraine through the support of the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation. The collaboration engages the resources of Brown University to work with Ukrainian health providers to address the challenges of the HIV/AIDS and TB epidemics for children, women and their family members in Ukraine.
Brown/Moi Training Program for the Prevention of HIV Related Cervical Cancer
Drs. Susan Cu-Uvin MD, Professor, Ob-Gyn and Medicine, Professor, Health Services, Policy and Practice, Brown University and Elkanah Omenge Orang'o, MBChB, MMED Senior Lecturer, Department of Reproductive Health, Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret, Kenya lead the Brown/Moi Training Program for the Prevention of HIV-related Cervical Cancer (5D43TW011317) funded by the NIH-Fogarty International Center beginning in 2018.
Previous CGHE Research
This page contains an archive of all previous CGHE research projects.