Division of Biology and Medicine
Center for Global Health Equity
Global Health Affiliated Faculty
Ruhul Abid, MD, PhD
Research Interests Healthcare for Refugees and migrants, Chronic disease management using portable electronic health record system in resource-limited areas, Global cardiovascular health, Implementation science, Course and Curriculum development for global healthCountries Bangladesh, India, Saudi ArabiaDepartment Bio-Med Surgery -
Adam Aluisio, MD
Research Interests Global Health, Acute care medicine, Implementation scienceCountries Kenya, Nepal, RwandaDepartment Bio-Med Emergency Medicine -
Siraj Amanullah, MD, MPH
Research Interests Research, Prehospital, Disaster, Injury prevention , Trauma, Disparity, Health systemsCountries United States, PakistanDepartment Bio-Med Emergency Medicine -
Odinaka Anyanwu, MD
Research Interests Global health equity, Antiracism, Decolonizing, Social justice, Maternal and Child HealthCountries Kenya, United States, Nigeria, Dominican RepublicDepartment Bio-Med Family Medicine -
Shyamal Asher, MD, MBA
Research Interests AnesthesiologyCountries Rwanda, KenyaDepartment Anesthesiology -
Neishay Ayub, MD
Research Interests Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Global Health, Quality improvement, Epilepsy SurgeryCountries Pakistan, ZambiaDepartment Bio-Med Neurology -
Jeffrey Bailey, MD, PhD
Research Interests Infectious disease, Malaria, Epstein barr virus, Genomics, CancerCountries Rwanda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar, Cameroon, Uganda, DRC, Ghana, Gabon, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, MaliDepartments Bio-Med Pathology, Laboratory Medicine -
Debasree Banerjee, MD
Research Interests Clinical exchange, AMPATH consortiumCountries KenyaDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Meagan Barry, MD, PhD
Research Interests Schistosomiasis, Maternal and Child Health, Neglected Tropical Diseases, Chagas DiseaseCountries Philippines, Kenya, UgandaDepartment Bio-Med Emergency Medicine -
Gerardo Carino, MD, PhD
Research Interests Critical Care Medical Education, Medical EthicsCountries Germany, ItalyDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Silvia Chiang, MD
Research Interests Tuberculosis, Pediatrics, Adolescent healthCountries Peru, Brazil, Ukraine, South AfricaDepartment Bio-Med Pediatrics -
Susan Cu-Uvin, MD
Research Interests HIV, HPV, Cervical cancer, Reproductive healthCountries Bangladesh, KenyaDepartments Bio-Med Obstetrics, Gynecology -
Kwame Dapaah-Afriyie, MD
Research Interests Peri-operative management, Inpatient medicineCountries GhanaDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Alethea Desrosiers, PhD
Research Interests Mental health, Vulnerable youth and families, Implementation science, Capacity buildingCountries Colombia, Sierra Leone, EcuadorDepartments Bio-Med Psychiatry, Human Behavior -
Don Dizon, MD
Research Interests Oncology, Clinical Trials, Cancer Screening, Cancer Prevention, SurvivorshipCountries Georgia, Bangladesh, PhilippinesDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Craig Eberson, MD
Research Interests Scoliosis, World pediatric project, Silver fellowshipCountries HondurasDepartment Bio-Med Orthopedics -
Timothy Flanigan, MD
Research Interests HIV, AIDS, Substance abuseCountries UkraineDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Hamish Fraser, MBChB, MSc
Research Interests Health-Informatics, EHR, Data-science, Machine-learning, EvaluationCountries Kenya, Rwanda, NigeriaDepartment Center for Biomedical Informatics -
Joseph Friedman, MD, MA
Research Interests Neurology instruction at university teaching hospitals in East Africa and GhanaCountries GhanaDepartment Bio-Med Neurology -
Jennifer Friedman, MD, MPH, PhD
Research Interests Schistosomiasis, NTDs, Maternal Child health, STHCountries Philippines, Uganda, BrazilDepartment Bio-Med Pediatrics -
Stephanie Garbern, MD, MPH
Research Interests Global emergency care, Decolonizing global health, Sepsis, Digital technologies, Machine learningCountries Bangladesh, RwandaDepartment Bio-Med Emergency Medicine -
Meghan Geary, MD
Research Interests Adult Refugee Primary CareCountries United StatesDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Alicia Genisca, MD
Research Interests Education, Pediatric emergency, Ultrasound, Predictive modelingCountries Bangladesh, Belize, NepalDepartment Bio-Med Emergency Medicine -
Fizza Gillani, PhD
Research Interests Global Health, Public Health, HIV/AIDS Epidemic Education, Epidemic, Electronic Health Records, Medical Informatics, Healthcare AnalyticsCountries Pakistan, United StatesDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Star Hampton, MD
Research Interests Obstetric fistula, Surgery, Non-profit workCountries RwandaDepartment Bio-Med Medical Affairs -
Alison Hayward, MD, MPH
Research Interests Safe water and sanitation, Obstetric fistula, Community health education, FOAMed, Climate changeCountries Uganda, United StatesDepartment Bio-Med Emergency Medicine -
Rami Kantor, MD
Research Interests HIV, Drug resistance, Transmission networks, Treatment monitoringCountries Kenya, IndiaDepartment Bio-Med Graduate Postdoc Affairs -
Naz Karim, MD, MPH
Research Interests United States: President of Global Emergency Medicine Academy with projects geared towards DEI, Rwandan residency development and sustainability, Director of the Global Emergency Medicine Fellowship, research on epidemiology of injury, teaching the WHO / ICRC Basic Emergency Care courseCountries RwandaDepartment Bio-Med Emergency Medicine -
Julia Katarincic, MD
Research Interests Sustainability, Education, Mentoring of in-country traineesCountries Honduras, Guatemala, EcuadorDepartment Bio-Med Orthopedics -
Alexis Kearney, MD, MPH
Research Interests Emergency medicine development, Infectious disease, Outbreak response, Healthcare associated infectionsCountries Ecuador, United StatesDepartment Bio-Med Emergency Medicine -
Ramu Kharel, MD, MPH
Research Interests Emergency Care, Trauma care, Poison Center & Toxicology, Rural Healthcare, Community Health WorkersCountries Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, RwandaDepartment Bio-Med Emergency Medicine -
Michael Koster, MD
Research Interests Infection, Pneumonia, Meningitis, Sepsis, Collaborative partnershipsCountries Haiti, RwandaDepartment Bio-Med Pediatrics -
Jonathan Kurtis, MD, PhD
Research Interests Malaria vaccine, Schistosomiasis vaccine, Drug developmentCountries Kenya, PhilippinesDepartments Bio-Med Pathology, Laboratory Medicine -
Anne CC Lee, MD, MPH
Research Interests Perinatal epidemiology, Maternal-newborn-child health, Adverse birth outcomes, Child development, Breastfeeding equityCountries Ethiopia, Bangladesh, United StatesDepartment Pediatrics -
Carol Lewis, MD, FAAP
Research Interests Refugee Health, Medical home, Primary Care, Health equity, Linguistic equity/CLASCountries United StatesDepartment Bio-Med Pediatrics -
Oriane Longerstaey, MD
Research Interests Emergency medicine, Global emergency medicine, Health educationCountries Armenia, RwandaDepartment Bio-Med Emergency Medicine -
Kyle Denison Martin, DO, MA, MPH
Research Interests Climate change, Infectious disease, Equity, Capacity building, Injury preventionCountries Rwanda, Haiti, United StatesDepartment Pre-College and Undergraduate Programs -
Patrick McGann, MD, MS
Research Interests Sickle cell, Anemia, Hematology, Iron deficiency, PediatricsCountries Angola, Kenya, GhanaDepartment Bio-Med Pediatrics -
Taro Minami, MD, FACP, FCCP
Research Interests Point-of-Care Ultrasound POCUS globally, Japan/Brown Student exchange programCountries Japan, KenyaDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Katelyn Moretti, MD
Research Interests Climate change, Heat impactsCountries United StatesDepartment Bio-Med Emergency Medicine -
Matthew Murphy, MD
Research Interests Social and Structural Determinants of Health, Disease PreventionCountries Spain, Mali, ChileDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Nicole Nugent, PhD, MA
Research Interests Traumatic stress, Child mental health, Resilience, Biomarkers, Social supportCountries United StatesDepartments Bio-Med Psychiatry, Human Behavior -
Melissa Palma, MD, MPH
Research Interests Public Health, Health education, Family medicine, Community based participatory research, Filipino healthCountries United States, PhilippinesDepartment Bio-Med Family Medicine -
Hareem Park, MD
Research Interests Global health education for residents and trainees, Pre-departure training, Building educational curriculaCountries Rwanda, HaitiDepartment Bio-Med Pediatrics -
Andrea Parker, MD
Research Interests Surgical education, Curriculum development, Surgical residency, COSECSACountries KenyaDepartment Bio-Med Surgery -
Robert Parker, MD
Research Interests Global surgery, Surgical education, Quality improvement, Surgical outcomes, Gastrointestinal diseaseCountries KenyaDepartment Bio-Med Surgery -
Carolyn Pearce, MD, MPH
Research Interests Family medicine, Point of care ultrasound, Global Health EducationCountries United States, Kenya, GhanaDepartment Bio-Med Family Medicine -
Tanya Rogo, MD
Research Interests Pediatric global health education, HIVCountries Rwanda, United States, KenyaDepartment Bio-Med Medical Education -
Joseph "Greg" Rosen, PhD, MSPH
Research Interests HIV Care and Treatment , HIV Prevention, Implementation science, Mixed-Methods Research, Substance UseCountries South Africa, Uganda, United StatesDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Karen Saal, MD
Research Interests Brown Human Rights Asylum Clinic, Evaluation of survivors of torture and persecutionCountries United StatesDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Katherine Siddle, PhD
Research Interests Infectious disease, Genomics, Epidemiology, Pathogen evolutionCountries Nigeria, United States, SenegalDepartments Bio Med Psychiatry, Human Behavior -
Katherine F. Smith, PhD
Research Interests Planetary health, Infectious disease ecology, STEM EducationCountries United StatesDepartment Bio-Med Medical Affairs -
Andrew Stephen, MD, FACS
Research Interests Surgery, Education, Clinical Research, WritingCountries Indonesia, Portugal, NicaraguaDepartment Bio-Med Surgery -
C. James Sung, MD
Research Interests Women's Pathology, GYN Pathology, Breast Pathology, Exchange Program, Visiting FellowshipCountries TaiwanDepartment Bio-Med Medical Education -
Daria Szkwarko, DO, MPH
Research Interests Tuberculosis prevention, Project ECHO, Point of care ultrasound, Care cascades, Advancing health equityCountries United States, KenyaDepartment Bio-Med Medical Education -
Jie Tang, MD, MPH
Research Interests CKD epidemiology, ESRD care, Kidney transplantCountries China, Kenya, GhanaDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Karen Tashima, MD
Research Interests Assisting with the Brown Medical Student exchange with medical schools in Rostock, Germany and Tubingen, GermanyCountries GermanyDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Jinen Thakkar MD, FACP
Research Interests Health Inequalities, Humanitarian Aid, War ZoneCountries Syria, IndiaDepartment Bio-Med Medicine -
Scott Triedman, MD
Research Interests Oncology capacity building, Workforce training, Care prioritization, Radiation oncology, Implementation science, Barriers to care accessCountries Rwanda, Haiti, Lesotho, LiberiaDepartment Bio-Med Radiation Oncology -
Methodius Tuuli, MD, MPH, MBA, MA
Research Interests Global perinatal health, Maternal mortality, Maternal morbidity, Postpartum hemorrhage, Child neurodevelopmentCountries GhanaDepartments Bio-Med Obstetrics, Gynecology -
Jennifer Unger, MD, MPH
Research Interests Maternal health, Neonatal health, Digital health, Socio-behavioral interventions, Health systems improvementCountries Kenya, United StatesDepartments Bio-Med Obstetrics, Gynecology -
Grace Wanjiku, MD, MPH
Research Interests Point of care ultrasound use in low resource settingsCountries KenyaDepartment Bio-Med Emergency Medicine -
Therese Zink, MD, MPH
Research Interests Faculty Development, Family medicine, Primary Care, Qualitative Research MethodsCountries Jordan, West Bank/Occupied Territories of PalestineDepartment Bio-Med Medicine