Division of Biology and Medicine
Center for Global Health Equity
Imagine a world where over 1 million children across 85 countries died from a single nutrient deficiency — deaths that could be prevented with a semi-annual vitamin supplement. Millions of lives saved can be attributed to the landmark US Agency for International Development (USAID)-supported trial of vitamin A supplementation in Indonesia (1978-1979), followed by replication trials, meta-analyses, World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines recommending regular high-dose vitamin A supplements and multilateral collaboration to provide vulnerable children with this nutrient (1,2).
Imagine a world without WHO child growth standards – standards that were developed from longitudinal data from children in the US, Brazil, Ghana, Oman, India and Norway, and now used in over 100 countries, including the US, to monitor child growth and identify malnutrition. Or a world where famine silently claims hundreds of thousands without warning, global data systems go blank, and nearly half of funding for emergency food aid vanishes.
This is a world without USAID and US membership in the WHO. Read More.
Imagine a world without WHO child growth standards – standards that were developed from longitudinal data from children in the US, Brazil, Ghana, Oman, India and Norway, and now used in over 100 countries, including the US, to monitor child growth and identify malnutrition. Or a world where famine silently claims hundreds of thousands without warning, global data systems go blank, and nearly half of funding for emergency food aid vanishes.
This is a world without USAID and US membership in the WHO. Read More.
Rhode Island Medical Journal on CGHE
Adam C. Levine, MD, to lead Brown Center for Global Health Equity (CGHE). Adam C. Levine, MD, to lead Brown Center for Global Health Equity (CGHE) PROVIDENCE — In a letter to the Brown BioMed community, MUKESH K. JAIN, MD, Senior Vice President for Health Affairs and Dean of Medicine and Biological Sciences, announced that the Academic Priorities Committee of Brown University has approved the Center for Global Health Equity (CGHE) within the Division of Biology and Medicine. The CGHE is the successor to the Global Health Initiative (GHI), which was founded in 2009. Associate Dean of Global Health Equity ADAM C. LEVINE, MD, MPH, FACEP, professor of emergency medicine and international and public affairs, will serve as CGHE’s founding director.
The center’s focus will expand to include clinical residents and fellows, undergraduate students, and students participating in the Brown Gateways program, Leadership Institute, Brown-Tougaloo Partnership, and other pathways programs and to BioMed faculty engaged in health equity research both locally and globally.
With the broader goal of directly engaging and benefiting communities both locally in Rhode Island and around the world, the CGHE aspires to conduct cutting-edge research that bridges gaps in global health knowledge and practice with a particular focus on technological innovation, implementation science, refugee health, and global health ethics.
The center’s focus will expand to include clinical residents and fellows, undergraduate students, and students participating in the Brown Gateways program, Leadership Institute, Brown-Tougaloo Partnership, and other pathways programs and to BioMed faculty engaged in health equity research both locally and globally.
With the broader goal of directly engaging and benefiting communities both locally in Rhode Island and around the world, the CGHE aspires to conduct cutting-edge research that bridges gaps in global health knowledge and practice with a particular focus on technological innovation, implementation science, refugee health, and global health ethics.
Healthcare Resilience and commitment to care in the Face of Outbreak: Rwanda's Response to the Marburg Virus
08/11 2024 BRIGHT Resident Applications Deadline
Application Deadline: August 11, 2024
BRIGHT Pathway is a 2-year longitudinal program designed to create and support a multidisciplinary community of residents who are interested in making global health part of their career. BRIGHT Pathway consists of quarterly meetings with guest speakers, along with a self-directed curriculum of core global health topics.
BRIGHT Pathway is a 2-year longitudinal program designed to create and support a multidisciplinary community of residents who are interested in making global health part of their career. BRIGHT Pathway consists of quarterly meetings with guest speakers, along with a self-directed curriculum of core global health topics.
07/24 BRIGHT Social
The Brown Residency International Global Health Training Pathway (BRIGHT) is hosting a social for interested students. It will be a time to meet residents and faculty who share an interest in global health. They will discuss BRIGHT, applications, and their partnership with the GHI (Global Health Initiative). Please RSVP.
Dr. Adam Levine Awarded $2.7 Million NIH Grant to Validate Mobile Health App
Dr. Adam Levine, Director of the Global Health Initiative, has been awarded a grant renewal for his NIH grant (NIH/ NIDDK 2R01DK116163).
GHI Celebrates Recent Graduates
The global health graduates featured below made their first steps as alumni of Brown University during Brown's three-day celebration of Commencement and Reunion Weekend (May 24-26, 2024). The GHI wishes to acknowledge their efforts in the field of global health and epidemiology, and congratulates them on their achievements.
Kenya State Visit to the United States Strengthens U.S.-Kenya Research Ties
Kenya State Visit to the United States Strengthens U.S.-Kenya Research Ties with Kenya’s Health Workforce. AMPATH is cited as a key discussion point.
Sarah Nuss, MD receives the 2024 Al Senft Award
Nominated by Dr. Tanya Rogo and Dr. Silvia Chiang, the Awards Committee at Alpert Medical School has selected Sarah Nuss for the Al Senft Award.
New! Global Health Initiative Project Coordinator Position!
The GHI is thrilled to announce an exciting job opportunity for a Project Coordinator working on a research project with a team of researchers from the U.S. and Tanzania.
New BIRCH Global Health Subcommittee
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new BIRCH Global Health Subcommittee, which focuses on addressing some of the challenges specific to international research. The subcommittee will be chaired by Dr. Adam Levine, Professor of Emergency Medicine and International and Public Affairs, and Associate Dean of Global Health Equity in Brown’s Division of Biology and Medicine. The first meeting convened at the end of April and will recur monthly via zoom. The Brown Innovation and Research Collaborative for Health (BIRCH) brings together the research conducted by Brown University’s Division of Biology and Medicine, Lifespan Health System, and Care New England under one administrative umbrella.
Alex Jin, PLME '23: Journey to Bangladesh
Alex Jin, PLME ‘23, a dedicated USA Intern of Health and Education for All (HAEFA), visited HAEFA operations in March 2024 as a monitoring and evaluation officer. She observed various HAEFA activities, conducted interviews, gathered information, and generated media content. She also worked at the 2 health posts in the FDMN camps, conducting exit polls to evaluate patient satisfaction and identify aspects for improvement.