The main objective of our monthly GR lecture series is to highlight the outstanding global health work and research that our faculty members have been doing with their international partners and academic institutions globally. The GR lectures will be attended by our faculty members, students, residents, fellows and trainees.
Tues, Aug 27, 2024, 5pm to 7pm - Susan Cu-Uvin, MD and Nabila Hossain Purno, MPH
- Lecture Title: "UNFPA's role in improving SRHR in Bangladesh: Spotlight on cervical cancer management in Kurigram"
- Country: Bangladesh
- Location: Warren Alpert Medical School, 222 Richmond St, Room 280, Providence, RI
- A/V Recording: 08/27/2024 Grand Round Zoom Recording (audio starts at about 3.5 min).
Tues, Sep 17, 2024, 5pm to 7pm - Alethea Desrosiers, PhD and Andrés Moya, PhD
- Lecture Title: "Prioritizing Mental Health for Mothers, Children, and Adolescents for Communities Affected by Conflict and Displacement in Colombia"
- Country: Colombia
- Location: Warren Alpert Medical School, 222 Richmond St, Room 280, Providence, RI
- A/V Recording: 09/17/2024 Grand Round Zoom Recording
Tues, Oct 22, 2024, 5pm to 7pm - Ruhul Abid, MD, PhD and Bushra Binte Alam, MD, M.Phil
- Lecture Title: “Healthcare Delivery in Humanitarian Crisis and Resource-limited Setting: Management of Chronic Diseases”
- Country: Bangladesh
- A/V Recording: 10/22/2024 Grand Rounds Zoom Recording
Tues, Nov 19, 2024, 5pm to 7pm - Naz Karim, MD, MSc, MHA, MPH; Appolinaire Manirafasha MD, Mmed; and Kyle Denison Martin, DO, MA, MPH.
- Lecture Title: “Emergency care in Low and Middle Income countries (LMICs), case of Rwanda”
- Country: Rwanda
- Location: Warren Alpert Medical School, 222 Richmond St, Room 280, Providence, RI
- A/V Recording: 11/19/2024 Grand Rounds
Tues, Jan 28, 2025, 5pm to 7pm - Ramu Kharel, MD, MPH and Mirza Noor Ali Baig, MBBS, M.S, FCPS
- Lecture Title: "Empowering Communities, Saving Lives: Lessons from the Pakistan Life Savers Programme – A Blueprint for Global Action and Collaboration"
- Countries: Pakistan and Nepal
- Location: Warren Alpert Medical School, 222 Richmond St, Room 280, Providence, RI
Wednesday, Jan 29th, 12 to 1pm - Dr. Baig Pizza Lunch with students, residents, fellows, & trainees. Email to sign up.
Tues, Feb 18, 2025, 5pm to 7pm - Andrea Parker, MD and Robert Parker, MD
- Lecture Title: “Advancing Surgical Education and Research to Improve Outcomes in East, Central, and Southern Africa”
- Country: Kenya
- Location: Warren Alpert Medical School, 222 Richmond St, Room 280, Providence, RI
- 12-1pm Informal Noon Session with Pizza Lunch. (Details and Location forthcoming)
Tues, Mar 18, 2025, 5pm to 7pm - Anne CC Lee, MD, MPH and Firehiwot Workneh Abate, PhD, MPH
- Lecture Title: "The First 1,000 Days: Impacts of Prenatal Nutrition and Infection on Birth outcomes and Child development in Rural Ethiopia"
- Country: Ethiopia
- Location: Warren Alpert Medical School, 222 Richmond St, Room 280, Providence, RI
- 12-1pm Informal Noon Session with Pizza Lunch. (Details and Location forthcoming)
Tues, Apr 29, 2025, 5pm to 7pm - Prof Madhukar Pai, MD, PhD, FRSC
Chair, Department of Global & Public Health, McGill University
- Keynote Speaker for 2025 Global Health Research Day
- Lecture Title: Reimagining Global Health: From Individual to Institutional Allyship
- Location: Warren Alpert Medical School, 222 Richmond St, Room 280, Providence, RI
- 12-1pm Informal Noon Session with Pizza Lunch. (Details and Location forthcoming)
Funding support provided by the Arnold T. Galkin Fund in memory of Paul J. Galkin.