Who is eligible for the H-EIDS program?
The H-EIDS program is open to PLME undergraduate students (rising juniors, seniors and graduates the summer before attending AMS), undergraduate students admitted to the Early Identified Program in Medicine, Alpert Medical School / PC-PM Students (usually rising second years), and medical students participating in AMS Summer Assistantships / Scholarly Concentration Program.
What do H-EIDS scholars do?
Scholars participate in faculty-mentored infectious disease research, broadly focused on HIV and associated infections. Domestic and international clinical research topics can include mental health, substance use disorders, TB, Hepatitis, STI's, Bacterial infections, issues related to healthcare access of marginalized communities, etc. Most H-EIDS scholars participate in research experiences full-time over the summer months (8-10 weeks). All scholars are required to present a scholarly product based on their research experience at a Brown research forum or at a scientific conference. Scholars complete in-person Responsible Conduct of Research Training and participate in didactic training, lectures, networking opportunities and on-site visits. Biostatistical support is also available.
What funding is available to students?
H-EIDS Scholars are provided with research stipends to carry out an HIV/ infectious disease-focused mentored research project, usually carried out over the summer. For most students, summer stipends are set at $3,750. Please note for all students, only one research stipend can be awarded at a time, and H-EIDS support cannot be combined with other internal Brown research funding (UTRA, SC, SRA, PC-PM).
H-EIDS also sponsors a limited number of longer-term fellowship opportunities to pursue more in-depth research projects, with up to one year of support. These longer term fellowships are generally available for AMS students on an approved ASP, or PLME undergraduate students on an approved gap semester or year.
The H-EIDS program also supports conference travel for scholars with first or second-authored accepted abstracts and publication charges for related manuscripts.
Interested in applying to the H-EIDS program?
Interested applicants are first encouraged to find a faculty mentored research project on a HEIDS-related topic. Students may choose to participate in the HEIDS / GHI Mentor Matching Program (yearly deadline in October), to consult with the faculty project directory compiled by the Medical School (PLME and Medical Students must log in through Brown email to view), or to identify a faculty mentor and research project on their own. Applicants may contact the H-EIDS program as they are finalizing a project to ensure it aligns with the goals of the grant.
To apply, all interested students must submit a completed application by the February 3, 2025 to be reviewed for consideration by the H-EIDS Executive Committee.
Please note a complete application requires a letter of support and other materials from your faculty mentor, so please ensure that they have ample time to complete them before the deadline.
For PLME students and AMS Medical Students: Submit the Summer Assistantship (PLME / Medical Student) Application in UFunds. See the AMS SRA and PLME SRA websites for more information.
For all other students (including EIP and AMS PC-PM students): Submit the H-EIDS Student Application Form
The H-EIDS Scholar application is due on February 3, 2025.
Acknowledging H-EIDS
Funding from NIH for the H-EIDS program is dependent on evidence that the H-EIDS is providing value added in the conduct of infectious disease and HIV research. One way this support is documented is through the acknowledgment of the Brown H-EIDS program in publications, abstracts and presentations. If you have received funding, mentorship, research support services, or training through the program, please acknowledge H-EIDS by using the following statement:
This work was facilitated by the Brown Emerging Infectious Disease and HIV Scholars (H-EIDS) Program (2R25AI140490) supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH/NIAID).