The CGHE is no longer accepting applications to this event. Please stay tuned for the next competition in 2024
Submit an application to become part of the Brown Center for Global Health Equity (CGHE) team at the 2024 Emory Morningside Global Health Case Competition. It will take place in-person at Emory University in Atlanta, GA.
This competition is a fantastic opportunity for students from multiple universities and disciplines to come together to learn about, develop, and recommend innovative solutions for a 21st-century global health problem. You can read about prior competitions on the Emory Global Health Institute’s website.
Who is eligible?
Graduate, medical and undergraduate students from all disciplines are invited to apply to be on the Brown team, which must be comprised of 4 to 6 students. At least three schools/divisions from Brown must be represented on the team in order to compete! (Post-graduate and post-doctoral fellows are not eligible to participate if they are not currently enrolled as students.)
How do I apply?
The internal Brown application includes the following:
- Complete the online application.
- Submit a one-page essay on why you want to join the competition.
- Submit your current CV/resume.
- Submit a letter of recommendation from a faculty member.
Please submit all application materials to