Division of Biology and Medicine
Center for Global Health Equity

Korede Yoloye

Pediatric Resident


At Boston University School of Medicine Korede explored her interests by providing culturally sensitive care and working with a diverse patient population. She worked with the psychology department to promote mental health awareness in the local African community through the HEAAL (Health and Mental Health Education and Awareness for Africans in Lowell) health fair. In addition, she was director of community development in the Global Health and Equity Program, a program that cultivated a strong global health community among students and faculty by increasing awareness about global health topics and events occurring locally. In residency,  she has continued to explore her interest in global health as part of the International Child Health Curriculum in Pediatrics and by joining BRIGHT. She is currently interested in neonatology, early childhood development and working to reduce health care disparities in low resource settings.

Recent News

Application Deadline: August 11, 2024
BRIGHT Pathway is a 2-year longitudinal program designed to create and support a multidisciplinary community of residents who are interested in making global health part of their career. BRIGHT Pathway consists of quarterly meetings with guest speakers, along with a self-directed curriculum of core global health topics.
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Events @ Brown

07/24 BRIGHT Social

The Brown Residency International Global Health Training Pathway (BRIGHT) is hosting a social for interested students. It will be a time to meet residents and faculty who share an interest in global health. They will discuss BRIGHT, applications, and their partnership with the GHI (Global Health Initiative). Please RSVP.
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