Division of Biology and Medicine
Center for Global Health Equity
Project Dates 2001 - Present
Location Eldoret, Kenya
Tags Collaborations and Partners
Program Website

The Brown Kenya Program


The Brown Kenya Program is a bilateral medical exchange program between the Alpert School of Medicine (Providence, RI, USA) and Moi University School of Medicine (Eldoret, Kenya). This program is a part of a large multi school consortium called AMPATH (Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare). Brown Medical School has been part of the consortium since 1998. The exchange includes oportunities for medical students, residents and faculty to live and work at the opposite site.


The Brown Kenya Program
The Miriam Hospital, #365
164 Summit Ave
Providence, RI 02906

Contact information

Phone: 401 793 2056
Fax: 401 793 2047
Email: E. Jane Carter, MD e_jane_carter@brown.edu and Deb Banerjee, MD banerjed19@gmail.com