Associate Dean of Global Health Equity, Director, Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies, Professor of Emergency Medicine and Health Services, Policy & Practice
Eight scholars from Brown University looked back at the pandemic with an eye toward how its lessons can help the United States and other nations prepare for the next global health crisis.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new BIRCH Global Health Subcommittee, which focuses on addressing some of the challenges specific to international research. The subcommittee will be chaired by Dr. Adam Levine, Professor of Emergency Medicine and International and Public Affairs, and Associate Dean of Global Health Equity in Brown’s Division of Biology and Medicine. The first meeting convened at the end of April and will recur monthly via zoom. The Brown Innovation and Research Collaborative for Health (BIRCH) brings together the research conducted by Brown University’s Division of Biology and Medicine, Lifespan Health System, and Care New England under one administrative umbrella.
Global Health Research Day is an annual forum hosted by the Brown University Global Health Initiative (GHI) and the Division of Biology and Medicine since 2010, highlighting the research accomplishments of students and trainees across campus. This is a flagship event for the GHI.
Congratulations to Dylan Bush, first-year medical student at The Warren Alpert Medical School, for winning the CUGH Dr. Judy Wasserheit Young Leader Award!
Adam Levine, Associate Professor at the Warren Alpert Medical School and Director of the Humanitarian Innovation Initiative at the Watson Institute at Brown University, has been awarded a $2.8 million, five year grant from the National Institutes of Health. With the grant, Levine will work to develop a new smartphone application to help clinicians in low-resource settings better manage patients with cholera and other epidemic diseases.